
uniqueid show_id showdate showtitle artist song_id songname artist_id permalink settype setnumber position tracktime transition_id transition footnote isjamchart jamchart_notes venue_id shownotes showyear showorder opener tour_id tourname soundcheck isverified slug isoriginal original_artist venuename city state country isreprise isjam css_class isrecommended
86852 1653928869 1998-06-22 Slightly Stoopid 464 The Pirates 1 slightly-stoopid-june-22-1998-canes-san-diego-ca-usa.html Tour Show 1 11 3 -> The Deceivers 44 Kyle dedicated Free Dub to his mom. Kyle lights joint during One Love. Hands Of Time dedicated to The Deceivers. Source: Audio Taper: Unknown 1998 1 1 Not Part of a Tour 1 the-pirates 1 Canes San Diego CA USA
87026 1655849494 1999-02-21 Slightly Stoopid 464 The Pirates 1 slightly-stoopid-february-21-1999-hard-rock-hotel-san-diego-san-diego-ca-usa.html Tour Show 1 16 1 , 47 Radio broadcast. Heavily edited. Jedi contains a 9mm Goes Bang (by KRS1) interpolation. After Mexico Kyle asked what everyone wants to hear and someone yells “play some Skynyrd”, Kyle responds with “you ain’t hearing no Lynyrd Skynyrd tonight pal”. Source: Audio Taper: Unknown 1999 1 1 Not Part of a Tour Noodling, unknown song, unknown song with unknown vocalist. Under Mi Sensei? 1 the-pirates 1 Hard Rock Hotel San Diego San Diego CA USA